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Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cooking Time: 120 minutes

Serves: 8-10

The biggest mistake people make with purees in simply not cooking the main ingredient long enough in the first place. Sweet potatoes can be boiled, stovetop, in water and such but I want to make this simple. Bake, scoop and mix. That’s my favorite way I am always surprised at what a sleeper this can be. I only add a little milk here to thin it out: I find cream and milk can dilute the sweet potato flavor. It also makes a great soup whisked into hot milk and blended…


Cook With Me

For Alex Guarnaschelli,cooking has never been just about getting dinner on the table. With a legendary cookbook-editor mother (Maria Guarnaschelli) and afood-obsessed father, the….

Price: $35.00

More Goodness

Italian American Forever

120 go-to Italian American favorites for all the red-sauced, pan-fried, crispy-cornered, baked-until-bubbly comforting classics you’ll want to eat every night.

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