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Prep Time: 24 mins

Cooking Time: 24 mins

Serves: 8-10

My parents were seriously late sleepers and I actually credit that as one of the major reasons I became a chef. There was no one up to cook breakfast for me. I would wait and watch cartoons and eventually end up foraging in the cupboards for something to eat. Early “Chopped” format breakfasts. Four ingredients, thirty minutes, hungry child. I always gravitated to the Fanny Farmer cookbook because the recipes seemed short and simple enough. It was the first time I remember making something and feeling the essence of timing in cooking: the buttered dish, the preheated oven and the melted butter cooling slightly while I gathered and blended all the other ingredients. SO satisfying. And so was the amazed look on my mom’s face when she would stumble into the kitchen and see me eating a wedge of this slathered in jam.


Cook With Me

For Alex Guarnaschelli,cooking has never been just about getting dinner on the table. With a legendary cookbook-editor mother (Maria Guarnaschelli) and afood-obsessed father, the….

Price: $35.00

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